Alternatives of Relume to Wordpress

Alternatives of Relume to Wordpress

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You can use similar Webflow libraries such as Relume, on Wordpress.

The WpAlpha Pattern library offers many sections, including headers, footers, heros, and even full-page patterns(full website). The patterns will adhere to the style of your Wordpress theme.

Patterns on Wordpress can be what components are on Webflow. Therefore the equivalent of Webflow components on Wordpress is Wordpress patterns, or Wordpress blocks.

If youโ€™re building Webflow with components(reusable components) you should familiarize yourself with Wordpress template parts. These are the parts that populate the theme.

In Webflow you import a component and they will auto-import as a component. In Wordpress you need to make that element as a template part(header/footer) or as a synced pattern.

Another similar option is patterns. They offer wireframes of many categories including headers, footers, testimonials, and contact.

download 11

Relume to Block plugin library

Generatepress offers a components library for its block plugin, GenerateBlocks, containing many elements, including Pricing, Testimonial, Gallery, Header/Footer, and many others.

download 18

The patterns work better with both, GeneratePress theme and Generateblocks block plugin.

Relume To Elementor library

Skelementor offers a library of Elementor components, including header, footers, navbars, and heroes.
