Top 6 Fastest CDN for Wordpress

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Google recently launched the new Core Web Vitals update. As the metrics are global, serving users with a low-speed connection(3G) or just mobile users with a 4G connection with a good page experience is a must.

CDNs(content delivery networks) are handy for making this task effortless. They host your assets in their servers, which are distributed across the world, and load them to users using their closest server, making the loading time faster.

We can measure CDN quality using Google data, filtering LCP(largest contentful paint) and TTFB(time to first byte) metrics. TTFB represents server response time and LCP is the time it takes the page load(perceived load time). Both metrics offer a strong picture of what a CDN can offer.

Fastest Wordpress rank

The rank as of January 2023 is:

Many of the listed CDNs don’t offer a simple 1-step setup for Wordpress websites with a plugin and may have a very technical setup. Therefore, we also included products that leverage the top CDNs with a dedicated Wordpress product. 

They may reproduce the provider they leverage to the tune of 99.9% and lower but offers a simple and easy way to connect to your Wordpress website with a plugin or easy setup.

Google Cloud CDN

Google Cloud CDN 1

Google Cloud CDN has PoPs(Points of presence) at more than 100 locations across the world in metropolitan areas.

One of the benefits of using a product from a large organization is integration. You can easily connect with other Google Cloud products, such as Storage and Load Balancing. The same applies when using CloudFront from AWS.

Google Cloud CDN pricing is based on usage, which means you only pay for what you use. The price is tied to load balancer use, with a minimum monthly cost of $18/month. Check their price calculator to estimate. Google Cloud CDN uses a custom setup for configuration, no Wordpress plugin.


The Content Delivery platform that truly Hops

Bunny is the best-ranked CDN with a specific Wordpress-oriented setup. Bunny has 112 global PoPs. Bunny also works with pay-to-use, check their calculator to estimate pricing.

Bunny CDN provides a built-in image optimization feature that can help you deliver images in the best possible format and size. Bunny also offers Amazon S3 integration.

Amazon CloudFront


Amazon CloudFront uses a global network of 450+ PoPs(Points of Presence). Cloudfront offers a free tier price as part of the AWS free usage tie. Their pricing is based on usage, check its calculator for estimates.

Amazon S3

cloudfront and s3

Amazon S3 isn’t a CDN, but you can use S3 and CloudFront together for an optimal user-loading experience. S3 is designed for large-capacity websites, with low-cost file storage in one specific geographical region. 

Many Wordpress plugins offer S3 offload support, take a look below for a few of them:


cloudflare cdn

Cloudflare’s free plan offers CDN through a reverse proxy. A reverse proxy is a server that sits in front of web servers and forwards client (e.g. web browser) requests to those web servers from Cloudflare.

Cloudflare Automatic Optimization is a new tool to improve WordPress TTFB. Cloudflare made a study and concluded that APO optimized their WordPress client’s websites TTFB for a 72% improvement. Its price is $5/month.

Cloudflare Pro is another service that at $20/month offers many features, including:

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Lossless Image Optimization
  • 20 Page Rules (+17 than the free plan) – These are meant to improve WordPress usage overall


NItropack is now powered by Cloudflare. Nitropack WordPress solution offers integrated CDN and an all-in-one plugin for increasing or improving Pagespeed and Core Web Vitals.

The pricing in 1 year on Nitropack would be as follows(approximate figures):

  • Nitropack 50.000 pageviews/mo limit(25GB max bandwidth), 1 year plan: $210
  • Nitropack 200.000 pageviews/mo limit(100GB max bandwidth), 1 year plan: $510
  • Nitropack 1.000.000 pageviews/mo limit(500GB max bandwidth), 1 year plan: $1760

5% OFF Nitropack Coupon: WPALPHA

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