Case Study Saintsinner’s

case study ss 1

Boost your website speed & performance.

*No spams

The Problem

In this project, our client had a poor Pagespeed score and failed on all LCP Core Web Vitals metrics:

The Solution

Our client now has “Good” Core Web Vitals on origin(aggregate of all pages) on both mobile and desktop:

The client has WPBakery Page Builder and we managed a Core Web Vitals optimization solution to pass on all desktop Core Web Vitals metrics from 4.5 LCP seconds before the optimization, as WPBakery Page Builder loads a large chunk of files.

The client didn’t have CLS or FID issues.


We used a lot of techniques such as preloading (the correct way), and delay JS to improve the overall website Core Web Vitals.

Visual and functionality testing were done to certify no features or visual differences were caused by the features.

SEO Improvement

The client had explosive growth in organic traffic after the optimization:

image 1

The client received a detailed changelog with all changes and also a recommendation file on how to keep the site optimized.