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Professional Wordpress Free Patterns

A vast collection of WordPress patterns to upgrade your website’s design effortlessly.

  • Full compatibility with any Wordpress theme and plugin.
  • All patterns will adhere to your theme’s visuals.
  • Copy and paste to make it work!

How to use

  • Grid Features
  • Hero
  • Untitled post 12838
  • Hero with gradient color title
  • Sticky Sections
  • Header
  • Hero
  • Features
  • Features
  • Hero
  • Hero
  • Feature
  • Faq
  • Pricing 3 columns
  • Steps with Animation
  • Row Grid Blog Post
  • Grid Blog Post
  • Features
  • Testimonial
  • Sass Homepage – Dark Theme
  • Blog, Posts, and Category Filter
  • Animated Feature Section
  • Call to Action Team
  • Pricing Table
  • Saas Hero
  • Seo Homepage
  • Hero with Animated Gradient Background
  • Hero with Illustrations
  • Hero & Call to Action Section
  • SaaS Hero